Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Slacking off..

So I've been slacking and not cooking a lot right now! I started this right before my birthday and have been working a bunch since. I promise I'll be better! My SLP (Significant Life Partner...he hates that title but I enjoy it) has been craving my from scratch Spaghetti and meatballs so that will be coming soon...stay tuned!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My voyage into the blogosphere...

So I love to cook and have been doing so for as long as I can remember. I was raised in a house where my mother made dinner almost every night and we'd eat as a family. My wonderful Momma taught me everything that I know. I will cook most anything. I've been told on numerous occasions that I should write about all of the recipes that I try and so here it is. I'm going to try valiantly to take pictures and post updates as I make lunch and dinner in the coming days, weeks, months, etc....

Wish me luck!